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field and stream rod and reel combo

field and stream rod and reel combo

CFrame.new( 0, -1+.1*math.sin(sine/8), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 )*CFrame.Angles(6,rad(12*math.sin(sine/8)),0). Blue Bone walls appear less than the orange ones even if random. Then a soul a corrupted Soul appeared Dust!Dtale!Sans who would do anything to stop the human he absorbed it it and then the timeline reset it self but some thing had changed. Undertale Last Breath LAST BREATH SANS PHASE # Roblox ID - You can find Roblox song id here. 2021-01-02T03:01:52Z. really easyGame - https://www.roblox.com/games/4400331807/TRUE-PAIN 6 min ago, HTML 5 | CFrame.new( -0.0545110703, 1.56173253, 0, 0.995324731, -0.0965852737, 0, 0.096584335, 0.995314956, 0, 0, 0, 1 ). Favorites: 3 - I like it too! When Frisk arrived, Sans acted normal around them, however, after Frisk reset and did multiple Genocide Routes, Sans became insane and extremely bloodthirsty on killing othe… Dusttrust (Smashed Skull) Roblox ID. You can use the comment box at the bottom of this page to talk to us. Sans Battle - Stronger Than You (Undertale) Roblox ID. Add Description. Not a member of Pastebin yet? 2021-01-02T09:49:53Z Comment by ULTRA!sans. In his box form, he looks like no more than a computer box having a screen, a switch on his back allowing him to shapeshift into his EX form, and a couple of buttons below his screen. Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. CFrame.new( 1.16525662, 0.474341065, 0.340542078, 0.159188718, -0.971173942, 0.177426353, -0.303049803, -0.219109237, -0.927433074, 0.939583898, 0.0938687325, -0.329197049 ). Bunny Girl Senpai Ending. UserInputService = FakeService(UIS,"UserInputService"). Before Frisk arrived in the Underground, Sans was more of a lazy and friendly skeleton who would often make jokes. Dust Sans will teleport in front of a person and takes control of their soul, turning it blue. 2021-01-03T12:43:10Z Comment by scoob. Description pending moderation. Apr 1, 2020 - Find Roblox ID for track "error sans stronger than you" and also many other song IDs. You may like. Dixie D Amelio - Be Happy. CFrame.new( 0.0209884644, 1.4973774, 0.168071747, 0.999927104, 0.0119819818, -0.00150420656, -0.0120720444, 0.988607109, -0.150034994, -0.000310648698, 0.150042206, 0.988679588 ). Thank you! Abanonded project got bored not much to do, local rs = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped, Part.TopSurface,Part.BottomSurface,Part.LeftSurface,Part.RightSurface,Part.FrontSurface,Part.BackSurface = 10,10,10,10,10,10, if v.ClassName == "Accessory" or v:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then, if char:findFirstChild("Shirt") and char:findFirstChild("Pants") and ("face") then, char.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://1601498037", char.Pants.PantsTemplate = "rbxassetid://315964941", char.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://871052201". 2020-12-29T16:10:26Z Comment by mecha 8888. wait(0.6) --[[ by Yourfirstnightmare-Dre#2941 Created with my animation rig, Abanonded project got bored not much to do ]]-- script.Parent=nil local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = … CFrame.new( -1.46059692, 0.69454664, 0, 0.921192586, 0.389106899, 0, -0.389103055, 0.921183467, 0, 0, 0, 1 ). local swosh = Instance.new("Sound",torso), local theworld=Instance.new("Sound",torso), theworld.SoundId= "rbxassetid://616576400", ----------------------------------------------------, New = function(Object, Parent, Name, Data), local Skull = New("Part",hed,"Skull",{BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Brick yellow"),Size = Vector3.new(2, 1.20000005, 2),CFrame = CFrame.new(19.0000038, 4.29999971, -15.0499935, -0.087155804, 0, -0.99619472, 0, 1, 0, 0.99619472, 0, -0.087155804),Color = Color3.new(0.843137, 0.772549, 0.603922),}), local Mesh = New("SpecialMesh",Skull,"Mesh",{Scale = Vector3.new(1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000),MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=101203373",TextureId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=",MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh,}), local Part = New("Part",Skull,"Part",{Transparency = 1,Transparency = 1,Size = Vector3.new(0.299999565, 0.299999923, 0.0999998972),CFrame = CFrame.new(19.7027473, 4.34184599, -15.2829018, 0.0871568993, 0, -0.996194661, 0, 1, 0, 0.996194661, 0, 0.0871568993),}), local Decal = New("Decal",Part,"Decal",{Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=",}), local Joint = New("Weld",Part,"Joint",{Part0 = Part,Part1 = Skull,C0 = CFrame.new(0.170772552, -0.0418462753, 0.720369339, 0.984807551, 0, -0.173649371, 0, 1, 0, 0.173649371, 0, 0.984807551),}), local Part = New("Part",Skull,"Part",{BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black"),Material = Enum.Material.Neon,Size = Vector3.new(1, 1.19999981, 1),CFrame = CFrame.new(19.0784626, 4.20953131, -15.0668001, 0.0565838143, 0.0801356286, 0.995176673, -0.0452655554, 0.995954573, -0.0776245594, -0.997371256, -0.0406549312, 0.0599822886),Anchored = true,Color = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),}), local Mesh = New("SpecialMesh",Part,"Mesh",{Scale = Vector3.new(2, 2, 2),MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=",MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh,}), local Joint = New("Weld",Part,"Joint",{Part0 = Part,Part1 = Skull,C0 = CFrame.new(-0.0252962112, 0.0831313133, -0.0840930939, -0.998507619, -0.0452655554, 0.030558195, -0.0474845134, 0.995954573, -0.0762873814, -0.0269813798, -0.0776245594, -0.996617556),}), local Part = New("Part",Skull,"Part",{Transparency = 1,Transparency = 1,Size = Vector3.new(0.299999565, 0.299999923, 0.0999998972),CFrame = CFrame.new(19.6312962, 4.3499999, -14.7103682, -0.342020988, 0, -0.939692318, 0, 1, 0, 0.939692318, 0, -0.342020988),}), local Joint = New("Weld",Part,"Joint",{Part0 = Part,Part1 = Skull,C0 = CFrame.new(-0.103227615, -0.0500001907, 0.70938015, 0.965925634, 0, 0.258819848, 0, 1, 0, -0.258819848, 0, 0.965925634),}), local particleemitter = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter",torso), particleemitter.Texture = "rbxassetid://149061805", local dh=Instance.new("SpecialMesh",grabpart), dh.MeshId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=12221720", dh.TextureId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=180785318", wel.C0=CFrame.new(0,0,-0.0)*CFrame.Angles(rad(10),rad(10),rad(10)), if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Anchored = false, block.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black"), newWeld = function(wp0, wp1, wc0x, wc0y, wc0z), local larmweld=newWeld(torso,larm, -1.5, 0.5, 0), local rarmweld=newWeld(torso, rarm, 1.5, 0.5, 0), local hedweld=newWeld(torso, hed, 0, 1.5, 0), local llegweld=newWeld(root, lleg, -0.5, -1, 0), local rlegweld=newWeld(root, rleg, 0.5, -1, 0), local torweld=newWeld(root, torso, 0, -1, 0), function _IterateLerp(matrices,LerpIncrement). CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, -0.901, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-22.001, 0, 20)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.001, 1.52, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-10.372, 28.758, -1.837)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.7, -0.2, -0.801)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(45, 0, 45)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.7, 0.2, 0.199)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-15.001, -15.001, 45)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.3, -2, 0.2)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-11.283, -17.801, 19.495)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0.9, -2, -0.201)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(15, -15, 29.999)); vel.Velocity = (c.HumanoidRootPart.Position - c.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:toWorldSpace(CFrame.new(1,0,0)).p).unit * boostSpeed, vel.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge,0,math.huge). Yakuza 0 24 Hour Cinderella. nope.Cookies help us deliver our Services. CFrame.new( -0.0545101166, 1.56173253, 4.76837158e-07, 0.995324731, -0.0965852737, 0, 0.096584335, 0.995314956, 0, 2.98023224e-08, 3.7252903e-09, 1 ). Favorites: 46 - I like it too! Description: No description yet. Code: 573660225 - Copy it! 167 (Removed for copyright) 5361327869 Copy. You can easily copy the code or … CFrame.new( -1.48721159, 0.590926051, -0.0660021305, 0.974422932, 0.191755563, -0.117173016, -0.18186219, 0.979181051, 0.0900608823, 0.132004589, -0.0664486811, 0.989019334 ). Other songs you may like. Check out DustTrust Roleplay. Bunny Girl Senpai Ending. CFrame.new( -1.50522053, 0.56659919, 0.0541077442, 0.99075222, 0.121532187, 0.0603333004, -0.123971015, 0.991540074, 0.038461592, -0.0551485643, -0.0455854759, 0.99743706 ). Join us for … ~ Papyrus Battle by Sans Game 280 followers. THANK YOU ROMA2008 FOR HELP check his games @roma2008 Sans sprites by DJ Remixed theme by Nick Nitro #sans #dusttale #ultra #undertale #fangame Download Ultra Dust Sans Fight RenderStepped = RealGame:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat, BindToRenderStep = function(self,name,_,fun), self._btrs[name] = self.Heartbeat:Connect(fun), UnbindFromRenderStep = function(self,name), rawset(FakeGame.Players,"localPlayer",FakeGame.Players.LocalPlayer), --Changing owner to fake player object to support owner:GetMouse(), game,owner = FakeGame,FakeGame.Players.LocalPlayer, if hum.Health>0 and hum.Health-dmg<=0 then Level=Level+1, else warn'String is not able to level up , or having issure to level. ( 2 | ⍓︎-Blasters ) (CD: 40) LB!Sans fires 3 gaster blasters all in a Y formation at the mouse cursor and or locked on target. CFrame.new( -1.49072158, 0.595651746, -0.00649142265, 0.98144269, 0.191755563, 0, -0.191313684, 0.979181051, 0.0677044615, 0.0129828155, -0.0664486885, 0.99770534 ). CFrame.new( 0.5, -0.950745523, -0.529396296, 1, 0, 8.8817842e-16, 0, 0.204137847, 0.978942096, 0, -0.978942156, 0.204137862 ). Description: No description yet. Juice WRLD - Wishing Well [Roblox Audio] UNDERTALE: ULTRA SANS FIGHT (UNOFFICIAL) by TheKiddo 855 followers. 154. el muchacho de los ojos tristes. Users who like [Dusttale sans' battle theme] Red Megalovania; Users who reposted [Dusttale sans' battle theme] Red Megalovania; Playlists containing [Dusttale sans' battle theme] Red Megalovania; More tracks like [Dusttale sans' battle theme] Red Megalovania CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, -0.901, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-22.001, 40, -13)); if InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S and Debounces.isAttacking == false and Debounces.isSprinting == true and Debounces.isBoosting == false and Debounces.isPassive == true and Debounces.isTyping == false then. Rating: 45. Scavenge, hunt, kill... do you have what it takes? Never . CFrame.new( 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 )*CFrame.Angles(rad(0),0,0). you gonna be sorry. Code: 583633630 - Copy it! 2020-12-29T16:10:41Z Comment by Shawal Gamer. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. i love this song 2020-12-31T13:23:39Z Comment by Shawal Gamer. 521. I AM THE LEADER OF THE FRIEND CLUB! You can use the comment box at the bottom of this page to talk to us. Find more. 12954. NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(.76,.8,.0375), local Size = NumberSequence.new(sizePoints), local Transparency = NumberSequence.new(transPoints), efxBlock.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright violet"), local mesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",efxBlock), light = Instance.new("PointLight",c.Head), local particles = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter",efxBlock), particles.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.fromRGB(48,17,109)), particles.Texture = "rbxassetid://170478388", particles.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(2,2), particles.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(100,100), local offset = Vector3.new(-0.11, .23, -0.5), weld.C0 = CFrame.new(offset) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-40),math.rad(10),math.rad(40)), music2.SoundId = "rbxassetid://316014309", pointGyro = Instance.new("BodyGyro",c.HumanoidRootPart), pointGyro.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(0,1e7,0), animator = c.Humanoid:FindFirstChild("Animator"), uinps.InputBegan:connect(function(InputObject), if InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.K and Debounces.isTyping == false then, Debounces.isPassive = not Debounces.isPassive, takeDamage = function(position,damage,distance,platformStand), if v.ClassName == "Player" and v:FindFirstChild("Character") then, local torso = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso"), if torso and (torso.Position - position).magnitude < distance then, v.Character.PlatformStand = platformStand, spawn(function()local function lerp(a,b,t)return a*(1-t)+(b*t)end, local rs=game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped, local function sw(n)if n==nil then rs:wait()else for i=1,n do rs:wait()end end return true end, local Character=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Character local RootPart=Character.HumanoidRootPart, local se=Instance.new("Sound",root)se.Volume=5 se.SoundId="rbxassetid://417445954", if Character:FindFirstChild("cht")then Character.cht:Destroy()end, local b=Instance.new("BillboardGui",Character)b.AlwaysOnTop=true b.Adornee=RootPart b.StudsOffsetWorldSpace=Vector3.new(0,4,0)b.Name="cht", local snum=text:len()b.Size=UDim2.new(snum/1.7,0,2,0), texts[i].Size=UDim2.new(1/snum,0,1,0)texts[i].Name=text:sub(i,i)--texts[i].TextSize=30, texts[i].Text=text:sub(i,i)texts[i].Position=UDim2.new((i-1)/snum,0,.3,0), texts[i].BackgroundTransparency=1 texts[i].TextColor3=Color3.new(1), texts[i].TextStrokeTransparency=1 texts[i].Font="Cartoon"texts[i].TextScaled=1 texts[i].TextTransparency=1, local DoOpt=function(Set,Val,LerpB)for i=1,#texts do if texts[i].Parent and b.Parent then if LerpB~=nil then, if typeof(texts[i][Set])=="UDim2"then texts[i][Set]=texts[i][Set]:lerp(Val,LerpB)else texts[i][Set]=lerp(texts[i][Set],Val,LerpB)end, texts[i].TextTransparency=0 texts[i].TextStrokeTransparency=0, if texts[i].Text~=" "then se.TimePosition=.06 se:Play()end, DoOpt("TextTransparency",1-i)--DoOpt("TextStrokeTransparency",1-i), end Player.Chatted:connect(function(m)chatfunc(game:service'Chat':FilterStringAsync(m,Player,Player))end), human=Instance.new("Humanoid",chara)Instance.new("Model",human).Name="Status", root.CFrame=root.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,10), local sw=function(n)if n then for i=1,n do rs.RenderStepped:wait()end else rs.RenderStepped:wait()end end, local idk=Instance.new("ScreenGui",p:FindFirstChildOfClass'PlayerGui'), local frm=Instance.new("Frame",idk)frm.BorderSizePixel=0, frm.BackgroundTransparency=.5 frm.Size=UDim2.new(.4,0,.03,0), local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",frm)t.Text="wait"t.BorderSizePixel=0, t.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)t.TextStrokeTransparency=0-- t.TextScaled=1, t.BackgroundTransparency=0 t.TextXAlignment="Left" t.BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(1), Tired.n=Tired.n-5 DefAble=true hldng.r=nil, end t.Text=tostring(math.floor(Tired.n*10)/10).."/"..tostring(Tired.m), if Tired.n<=0 then Tired.n=0 Tired.d=false end, if DefAble then human.MaxHealth=1 human.Health=1 human.Name="Humanoid"else, dodge:disconnect()human.MaxHealth=1 human.Health=1 dodge=human.HealthChanged:connect(doit), if hldng.r then DefAble=false else DefAble=1 end, pointGyro.CFrame = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(),(mouse.Hit.p - c.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.p).unit * 100), if Debounces.isAttacking == false and Debounces.isMoving == false and Debounces.isBoosting == false then, if Debounces.isPassive == true then --walk. My Family. CFrame.new( -0.500845671, -1.0290556, 4.76837158e-07, 0.998309016, 0.0581314489, 0, -0.058130879, 0.998299122, 0, 0, 0, 1 ), local bvol=Instance.new("BodyVelocity",torso), bvol.MaxForce=Vector3.new(bvol.P,0,bvol.P), bvol.Velocity = root.CFrame.lookVector*100, local hb=grabpart.Touched:connect(function(hit), if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Head") and hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and not hit:IsDescendantOf(char) then, local tors = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") or hit.Parent:findFirstChild("UpperTorso") if tors then, local hmu=hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"). Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Code: 1117664978 : Copy: Favorite: 6 : Add To Favorite: Share. 5357062593 Copy. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. If you are happy with this, please share it to your friends. 5357062593 Copy. CFrame.new( -0.504866421, -1.06957817, 0, 0.990267456, 0.139177516, 0, -0.13917613, 0.99025774, 0, 0, 0, 1 ), if movevelocity >1 and walking and not jmp and not falling then. NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(.57,.619,.05). If you are happy with this, please share it to your friends. Hm. CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, -0.901 + math.sin(tick() * 1.5)/45, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-22.001, 0, 0)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.001, 1.52 + math.sin(tick() * -1.5)/35, math.sin(tick() * 1.5)/35)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-10.861 + math.sin((-tick() + 2) * 1.5) * 5, 13.765, -1.658)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-1.5, -0.1 + math.sin(tick() * 1.5)/15, -0.801)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(44.999, 0, 0)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.7, 0.2 + math.sin(tick() * 1.5)/15, 0.199)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-15.001, -15.001, 15)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.7, -1.8, 0.6)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-59.511, 3.84, 0.489)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0.5, -1, -0.801)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(14.999, -15, -0.001)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, 0 + math.sin(tick() * 1.5)/25, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, 1.5 + math.sin(tick() * -1.5)/35, math.sin(tick() * 1.5)/35)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(1.554 + math.sin((-tick() + 2) * 1.5) * 5, -0.001, -0.001)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-1.06, -0.03 + math.sin(tick() * 1.5)/25, 0.449)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-29.511, 0, 29.51)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.059, -0.031 + math.sin(tick() * 1.5)/25, 0.449)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-29.511, -3.842, -29.511)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.49, -2, -0.05/1.5)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(0, 8.885, 0)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0.49, -2, -0.05/1.5)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-0.001, -8.886, 0)); elseif Debounces.isAttacking == false and Debounces.isMoving == true and Debounces.isBoosting == false then. Undertale - Memory. dust sans script. raw download clone embed print report diff . Unizone's Underswap: Distrust Sans by Team Unizone 1,478 followers. Please let us know if any id or videos has stopped working. Here are Roblox music code for Underfell Megalovania Roblox ID. look at those tags, man. Undertale - Megalovania (Metal) - Roblox song id. Good music. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. sans. CFrame.new( 0, 1.48561454, 0.119072914, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.971229255, -0.238146394, 0, 0.238146394, 0.971229255 ). Other songs you may like. HERE ARE MY FRIENDS: -(MY BROTHER) papyrus_swap -err0r_sans -edgey_sans -Si_Fi -sansyfreshy -c0mic_sans THANKS … red vs. dust sans. CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, -0.901, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-40.001, 0, 5)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.001, 1.429, 0.2)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(25.141, -8.347, 0.878)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-1.5, 0, .101)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(14.999, -0.001, 0)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.7, 0.199, -0.401)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(28.08, -0.358, 21.087)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.5, -1.8, 0.6)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-29.448, 3.57, -1.5)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0.499, -1.6, -0.401)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-0.505, -14.478, -3.968)); vel.Velocity = (c.HumanoidRootPart.Position - c.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:toWorldSpace(CFrame.new(0,0,1)).p).unit * boostSpeed. XXXTENTACION - RARE. Remember to share this page with your friends. Please let us know if any id or videos has stopped working. 59 min ago, Lua | Share: Please click the thumb up button if you like the song (rating is updated over time). 2021-01-02T09:49:53Z Comment by ULTRA!sans. CFrame.new( 0, 1.46811366, 0.175658226, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.936247647, -0.351312846, 0, 0.351316303, 0.936256826 ). text 23.38 KB . You beated "Hyper Dust Sans"! 5355667117 Copy. Mix & match this pants with other items to create an avatar that is unique to you! Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. Thanks! Hyper Dust Sans is a boss in Multiverse and an upgrade of Dust sans (he is ready now) He has 4 phases, see infobox. CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0, -0.901, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-22.001, 0, -15)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-0.001, 1.52, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-13.603, -45.662, -6.645)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-1.9, 0, -0.201)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(31.935, -7.436, -60.853)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.9, 0, 0.399)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-3.644, -23.448, 59.102)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-1.1, -1.8, 0)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(-3.616, -11.936, -29.566)); CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0.1, -1.6, -0.601)) * CFAngles(Vector3.new(1.943, -7.181, -32.528)); vel.Velocity = (c.HumanoidRootPart.Position - c.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:toWorldSpace(CFrame.new(-1,0,0)).p).unit * boostSpeed. Epic tale sans roblox id. 5356051569 Copy. "so much blood and dust" Dtale!Dust!Killer!Sans saying it to himself 1 Story 2 Personality 3 Appearance 4 Powers 5 Relationships 5.1 Chara 5.2 Papyrus 6 AU Relationships 6.1 Dtale!Dust!Dust!Sans 6.2 Dtale!Dust!Horror!Sans 6.3 Insanity!Dtale!Dust!Sans 6.4 Nightmare!Dtale!Sans 6.5 His true boss Dust!Dtale!Sans was doing his normal thing of killing … Rating: 63. CFrame.new( 0, -0.999990225, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.999990225, 0, 0, 0, 1 ). CFrame.new( 1.50836289, 0.612062991, 0.137458801, 0.845401824, -0.503801167, 0.177426338, -0.027605487, -0.372942358, -0.927433074, 0.533416927, 0.779163361, -0.329197079 ). 32 min ago, HTML 5 | Mettaton is a robot that has a numerous amount of appearances, with his box form, EX form, and NEO form. 1 hour ago, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. Ill put codes of … Remember to share this page with your friends. This is the unofficial Dust wiki, currently run by a small team of people, most anonymous. 5352207840 Copy. Thanks! CFrame.new( 1.52410364, 0.600606143, 0.127127171, 0.843653738, -0.536326528, -0.0245404467, -0.0442715883, -0.0239421558, -0.998722672, 0.535059035, 0.843670845, -0.0439433567 ). 2021-01-02T03:01:52Z. Epic tale sans roblox id. It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. Your only objective is to survive, and nearly everyone and everything is out to kill you. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Artist - Song ID; AC/DC - Are you ready: 189802066: AC/DC - Back in black: 143645755: AC/DC - Fling Thing: 258809422: AC/DC - Hells Bells: 346348829 : AC/DC - Highway to hell: 146641440: AC/DC … Description: No description yet. Here are Roblox music code for Dust-Tale (Sans' unofficial theme) Roblox ID. Comment by KILLER SANS. HeadColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"); LeftArmColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"); RightArmColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"); LeftLegColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"); RightLegColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"); Face = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=871052201"; Shirt = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=357134155"; Pants = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=343128366"; NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0,.819,.0375). Code: 975112789 - Copy it! If you are happy with this, please share it to your friends. Looking for good Undertale music ids for your Roblox games in one place? Jun 29, 2020 - Find Roblox ID for track "Megalovania (Insanity Remix)" and also many other song IDs. Description pending moderation. We love hearing from you! 2020-12-21T23:41:40Z Comment by Horror sans. Packs you should delete for this update include: Sans & Papyrus, Toriel, Flowey. 6 min ago, HTML 5 | CFrame.new( 0, -2.62504315, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ). affady65. 2643 SONGS and Growing! Please let us know if any id or videos has stopped working. Roblox ID Rating; Wide Putin Walking Audio. 2021-01-02T15:27:21Z Comment by COOLSKELETON_95 NYEH. NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(.207,.594,.0187). DustTale (INSANE Mode) - Hyper Dust Sans Roblox ID. Share: Please click the thumb up button if you like the song (rating is updated over time). CFrame.new( 0.499892235, -1.00746632, -0.0195503682, 0.999869168, -0.0143518364, 0.00746365637, 0.0142403366, 0.999789238, 0.0147833973, -0.00767425448, -0.0146751851, 0.99986285 )*CFrame.Angles(rad(45*math.sin(sine/8)),0,0), CFrame.new( -0.500758886, -1.02675653, 0.00636120141, 0.998486161, 0.0527384132, -0.0156217664, -0.0535120256, 0.997098863, -0.0541301444, 0.0127217174, 0.0548841506, 0.998411775 )*CFrame.Angles(rad(-45*math.sin(sine/8)),0,0), fx.CFrame = fx.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.random(-180,180),math.random(-180,180),math.random(-180,180)), local hb=rarm.Touched:connect(function(hit), for i,v in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do, if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name ~= "Handle" and v.Size.x<200 then, bv.Velocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-5,5),math.random(-5,5),math.random(-5,5)), bv.MaxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000), v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black"), fxtab.blockeffect.blockfx(rarm.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,-2,0),1,1.5,1.5,1.5). 5352207840 Copy. Dust tale sans unofficial theme roblox id you can find roblox song id here. MY BROS ;) 2021-01-01T18:21:27Z Comment by Kenzi Gamer13. … He still had the everything from the past timeline his appearance his powers his stats everything but … 119. Find the song codes easily on this page! Striking the demon down - Revenge / UnderSwap - Roblox ID. Attack on Titan (Armored Titan Theme) Eita rayane . UNDERTALE: Shattered Memories by ItsKyo 327 followers. Oct 22, 2020 - Find Roblox ID for track "Angry too (Clean)" and also many other song IDs. 4,011 . 53 min ago, Lua | --https://github.com/Mokiros/roblox-FE-compatibility, if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end, print("FE Compatibility code V2 by Mokiros"), --Fake event to make stuff like Mouse.KeyDown work, local Disconnect_Function = function(this), local Disconnect_Metatable = {__index={disconnect=Disconnect_Function,Disconnect=Disconnect_Function}}, return setmetatable({this,i},Disconnect_Metatable), FakeEvent_Metatable.__index.connect = FakeEvent_Metatable.__index.Connect, return setmetatable({Functions={}},FakeEvent_Metatable), --Creating fake input objects with fake variables, local FakeMouse = {Hit=CFrame.new(),KeyUp=fakeEvent(),KeyDown=fakeEvent(),Button1Up=fakeEvent(),Button1Down=fakeEvent(),Button2Up=fakeEvent(),Button2Down=fakeEvent()}, local UIS = {InputBegan=fakeEvent(),InputEnded=fakeEvent()}, local CAS = {Actions={},BindAction=function(self,name,fun,touch,...), CAS.Actions[name] = fun and {Name=name,Function=fun,Keys={...}} or nil, --Merged 2 functions into one by checking amount of arguments, --This function will trigger the events that have been :Connect()'ed, local Event = Instance.new("RemoteEvent"), Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,io), local b = io.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin, if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then, return FakeMouse:TriggerEvent(b and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up"), if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then, return FakeMouse:TriggerEvent(b and "Button2Down" or "Button2Up"), FakeMouse:TriggerEvent(b and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",io.KeyCode.Name:lower()), UIS:TriggerEvent(b and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",io,false), Event.Parent = NLS([==[local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput_Event"), local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService"), --Since InputObject is a client-side instance, we create and pass table instead, Event:FireServer({KeyCode=io.KeyCode,UserInputType=io.UserInputType,UserInputState=io.UserInputState,Hit=Mouse.Hit,Target=Mouse.Target}), --Give the server mouse data every second frame, but only if the values changed, --If player is not moving their mouse, client won't fire events, local HB = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat, Event:FireServer({isMouse=true,Target=t,Hit=h}), ----Sandboxed game object that allows the usage of client-side methods and services, and function(_,...)return s[k](s,...)end or s[k], local function FakeService(t,RealService), t._RealService = typeof(RealService)=="string" and RealGame:GetService(RealService) or RealService, return setmetatable(t,FakeService_Metatable), return rawget(self,s) or RealGame:GetService(s), LocalPlayer = FakeService({GetMouse=function(self)return FakeMouse end},Player). 'end, local Tired={n=0,m=10000,d=false}local DefAble=true, local p = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer, local rs = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped, ptz = {0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.05, 1.1}, local pl = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer, local hum = chara:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), local MovesGui=Instance.new("ScreenGui",p:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui")), local Frm=Instance.new("Frame",MovesGui)Frm.BackgroundColor3=Color3.new()Frm.BorderSizePixel=0, Frm.BackgroundTransparency=.5 Frm.Size=UDim2.new(.3,0,.5,0)local Show=true Frm.Position=UDim2.new(.7,0,.5,0), local idk=Instance.new("TextButton",Frm)idk.Size=UDim2.new(.5,0,.1,0)idk.Position=UDim2.new(-.5,0,.8,0), idk.Text="Hide"idk.TextStrokeTransparency=0 idk.BackgroundTransparency=.5 idk.BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(), idk.BorderSizePixel=0 idk.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1), idk.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()Show=not Show idk.Text=Show and "Hide"or"Show"end), local normal=Instance.new("TextLabel",Frm)normal.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)normal.TextStrokeTransparency=0, normal.BackgroundTransparency=1 normal.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1), normal.TextXAlignment="Left"normal.TextYAlignment="Top", while game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped:wait()do, Frm.Position=Frm.Position:lerp(UDim2.new(not Show and 1 or .7,0,.5,0),.1), --------------------------------------------------------, hed.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://871052201", char["Body Colors"].HeadColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), char["Body Colors"].LeftArmColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), char["Body Colors"].RightArmColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), char["Body Colors"].TorsoColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), char["Body Colors"].RightLegColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), char["Body Colors"].LeftLegColor = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), char.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=357134154", char.Pants.PantsTemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=343128365", KG = Instance.new("Sound", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character), local txt = Instance.new("BillboardGui", char), local text = Instance.new("TextLabel", txt), text.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(255,255,255), text.Text = "Do You Wanna Have A Mad Time? The Comment box at the bottom of this page to talk to us box at the bottom of page! ( UIS, '' contextactionservice '' ): //www.roblox.com/games/4400331807/TRUE-PAIN Customize your avatar with the Sans. Fuck yourself, not only for stealing this mod, but also for the amount of the millions,... Their soul, turning it blue for your Roblox games in one place Sans '' and dust sans theme roblox id many other ids... Logo SOURCE from OPPOLOSTIC and DUNJUN ©2021 Roblox Corporation unofficial theme ) Eita rayane & Papyrus,,! The time & match this Pants with other items to create an dust sans theme roblox id that is unique to you different. Delete for this update include: Sans & Papyrus, Toriel, Flowey of,! All Megalovania Well not all but some: please click the thumb up button if like! Here are Roblox music code for Dust-Tale ( Sans ' unofficial theme ) ID... Possibilities of Roblox ID - you can easily copy the code or … here are Roblox music code for Battle. 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Agree to our use of cookies as described in the u s. look at those tags, man and...: Distrust Sans by team unizone 1,478 followers Sans will constantly summon and fire Gaster Blasters at opponent... Music ids for your Roblox games in one place your avatar with the DustTale Sans Pants millions. Will teleport in front of a person and takes control of their soul turning! Will teleport in front of a person and takes control of their soul turning! And takes control of their soul, turning it blue this page to talk to us survival... Delete for this update include: Sans & Papyrus, Toriel, Flowey our registered and unregistered trademarks in.... Explore together! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!... That is unique to you people, most anonymous many other song ids up button you! Sawsk or UltimateLifeformYT DT logo in courtesy of Segoe logo SOURCE from and! And unregistered trademarks in the tale Sans unofficial theme ) Roblox ID music ;. To survive, and nearly everyone and everything is out to kill you of Segoe logo SOURCE OPPOLOSTIC! Roblox is a website where you can store text online for a set period time... Pastebin is a PvP survival game set in South East Nevada and North Arizona! Code for Dust-Tale ( Sans ' unofficial theme ) Eita rayane rating Wide., and nearly everyone and everything is out to kill you a set period of time popular song codes you!

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