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For one thing, bearded dragons are notoriously picky eaters. Calcium & Vitamin D3 Deficiencies When a bearded dragon has deficiencies it can cause seizures, stunted growth, deformities, poor bone growth, and brittle bones. Exotic vets have the proper tools and training to deal with the bearded dragon’s unique, delicate, and small body. When they are upside down, their stomach pushes directly on their lungs, which constricts their breathing greatly. Any broken bones can be as a result of soft bones when suffering from a deficiency. If they are well looked after, with a good diet and proper environment, bearded dragons are reasonably hardy animals. What greens to feed Bearded dragons . Vitamin D3 may be offered three times a week. It plays a huge role in their ability to grow and maintain bone health over time. Combination supplements. ReptileJam.com also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. You can read more about MBD in the health post here. To prevent it from happening in the first place though, always make sure that your bearded dragon is getting enough calcium. In short, all of the same treatments for calcium deficiency will apply here. Although bearded dragons can still fall off a low basking area, they are less likely to fall on their backs since the fall distance is shorter. Without UVB rays, your beardie cannot use the calcium. ReptileJam.com is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Signs of MBD in Bearded Dragons If you’ve already looked into it, you know there are primarily two ways you can offer your dragon supplements at home: liquid or powder. However, if you rely on more than 50% bearded dragon commercial diets including pellets, live or dried feeder insects, and so on, do not supplement any multivitamin or calcium these diets will meet your pet’s nutritional needs (Stahl Donoghue 2010).. 1. Generally it’s safe to supplement calcium anywhere from a few times a week to once a day. Although it can be a bit stomach-wrenching to feed your bearded dragon these hoppity little insects, bearded dragons absolutely love crickets. Should you offer supplements—if so, powdered or liquid? The bearded dragon is a well-known lizard currently considered one of the best pet lizards. Powdered calcium is fairly popular among Dragon Keepers. One case where you may want to select a liquid supplement over a powder would be if your dragon steadily refuses to eat or finish her food. Too much phosphorus or oxalates (oxalic acid) in the diet, Poor lighting, causing a Vitamin D3 deficiency. My bearded dragon has a calcium deficiency please help !? Calcium deficiency causes a number of negative health concerns for bearded dragons, such as muscle twitches or metabolic bone disease. There are many ways to keep your bearded dragon safe from lack of calcium and all of its consequences: Many Dragon Keepers wonder why it’s necessary to give supplements to their bearded dragon when they could just provide calcium via diet and ensure they have correct UVB lighting. Your dragon may not eat her food if it's too heavily dusted, so it's best to keep it on the light side. Other vitamins. Watch all 13 videos or at least the last video BEFORE you comment. When the calcium level is relatively low the body tries to compensate by taking calcium from wherever it can, including from the bones. Not to mention that in the wild, bearded dragons are exposed to many more types of food—insects and plants—than they ever would be in a domestic setting, so they invariably consume more calcium on a regular basis than they do in captivity. Broken claw. Although there are several reasons why your bearded dragon may be upside down, there are 3 main possibilities that account for most instances of a bearded dragon being on his back. Why is vitamin D3 and calcium are vital. Of course, the exception would be a dragon who has metabolic bone disease or another condition which would require a more intense supplement regimen. My beardie seems to like to eat the calcium powder off the floor of the tank. Dragons can develop a calcium deficiency from typically one or two things: Not enough proper UVB exposure or not enough calcium (duh). One of the most common reasons that your bearded dragon is upside down is calcium deficiency. Additionally, take your bearded dragon to an exotic pet veterinarian for a check-up if you suspect MBD. It is commonly associated with calcium deficiency and weakens the bones. If your bearded dragon is deficient in calcium, any of the following could be the culprit: Dragons who suffer from metabolic bone disease have trouble doing the simplest of tasks, like walking, because their tissue is deteriorating and their bones are soft and easily breakable. If they have become deformed due to the calcium deficiency in their bones then it’s unlikely that they’ll return to their original structure. Baby bearded dragons need a daily dose of calcium and vitamin D3 to ensure proper growth and good bone development. That is for you and your vet to determine. Metabolic bone disease, or MBD, is a fairly common disease caused by a calcium deficiency. They will have a better understanding of what your beardie is going through and offer you the best advice for care and treatment. Twelve hours of UVB exposure a day is ideal. If you wish, you could also add in a secondary calcium supplement to your dragon’s feeding schedule, but it isn’t necessarily something you have to do. Vitamin D 3 supports the metabolism and absorption of calcium and phosphorus. The disease causes serious bone, muscle, and tissue damage, which can result in paralysis or death. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had this deep passion and interest for reptiles that eventually led me to become the proud owner of multiple snakes, lizards, frogs, and turtles. Should you offer supplements—if so, powdered or liquid? Hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the body) is rare in bearded dragons, but it can happen, and it can result in illness and death. What greens to feed Bearded dragons. Here are the most important functions of calcium within your bearded dragon: Some signs of calcium deficiency include: Calcium deficiency is easy to treat once detected. Offer calcium and Vitamin D3 regularly. Keep an eye on the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in fruits and veggies. Bearded dragons find it extremely difficult to breathe on their back, and they can even die from suffocation when lying in this position. So, immediately put your bearded dragon back on its stomach whenever he is on his back. Talk to your vet and see if they have any other notes or recommendations for your beardie. Too much phosphorus or oxalates (oxalic acid) in the diet. I recommend a Reptisun 10.0in a straight tube (not a coil bulb). If your bearded dragon has an underbite alongside any of the symptoms of metabolic bone disease, you should immediately contact your vet. If you choose to do this, it’s best to ensure they are not getting any additional Vitamin A (unless your vet determines your dragon is seriously deficient in Vitamin A). bearded dragons should be singular. Here are the 3 most common reasons that your bearded dragon is upside down: One of the most common reasons that your bearded dragon is upside down is calcium deficiency. After you have set your bearded dragon back on his stomach, try to figure out the cause. Of course, always check with your vet first, especially if your beardie is a rescue or if you notice any signs of illness (especially MBD). Unfortunately, MBD is one of the most common diseases among domestic bearded dragons, but it’s so easily preventable with proper diet and care. These muscle twitches can cause them to turn upside down or fall off a rock or some other elevated surface. When it comes to their multi vitamin, mix it in with their calcium just one time a … Liquid supplements can be a little trickier because you typically have to offer them through a dropper, which your dragon may not enjoy. Prevention. If you find your bearded dragon upside down, it is important to put him back on his stomach immediately. Of course, always check with your vet first, especially if your beardie is a rescue or if you notice any signs of illness (especially MBD). Bearded dragons spend most of their lives on their feet and stomach. Monitor the UV with a UV meter. Calcium Deficiency From Eating Too Banana. Calcium deficiencies can be a long process to undo. Vitamin D3 makes it possible for the dragon’s body to absorb calcium from their digestive system. But in many cases, powder is quicker and easier. Bearded dragon MBD assistanc... My old lady Bearded dragon setup! If you think that your basking area is causing your bearded dragon to fall on his back, then it is really easy to fix this problem. This guide gives you the basics so you can make sure your dragon is getting what he needs. To find out more about why your bearded dragon is upside down, keep scrolling. Most often, symptoms associated with weak and soft limbs indicate a low calcium and or/vitamin D3 in your bearded dragon’s body. Since greens make up 50% or more of a healthy dragon’s diet. Lack of calcium in the diet, not gut-loading live feed and absence of UVB tube light in a tank will cause Metabolic bone disease.. Any broken bones can be as a result of soft bones when suffering from a deficiency. Fruits such as apples and pineapples have a tough outer skin, which a bearded dragon is unable to swallow. It's extremely important that you buy an additional light that produces UVB rays. What it all comes down to is creating a happy and healthy life for your pets and ours. Dusting prey insects with calcium is a good first step, but it's not enough to reverse a deficiency. To be on the safe side, peel your fruits before adding them to your bearded dragon’s menu. Very young dragons may be tremendously bloated and uncomfortable. Unlike other minerals such as phosphorus, calcium is not something your bearded dragon will receive enough of from their diet. Provide proper UV lighting for your bearded dragon. I rushed him to the nearest petco and the lady informed me that i did not have a UVB light. These are oxalate and phosphorus levels, … Any factor that leads to calcium deficiency can potentially lead to MBD. Why does calcium matter so much in the first place? Make sure to install a fluorescent strip that emits 10-12% UVB light. Too high and narrow of a basking area can cause your beardie to accidentally fall off the platform, allowing him to land on his back. https://beardeddragonsworld.com › calcium-for-bearded-dragon At the same time, no matter how good the environment and the diet, your dragon still needs supplements. Which is better? Metabolic bone disease (MBD), also referred to as hypocalcaemia or simply as calcium deficiency, is a serious nutritional disease where calcium in the bones is depleted in favour of increasing the calcium levels in the blood. If possible, consider dusting more docile insects like roaches instead of crickets. Delight Your Reptile with Our Premium Dubia Roaches! Sprinkle calcium mineral powders over the crickets before serving to give your beardie extra calcium. Poor supplementation. If you find your bearded dragon upside down, it is always a good idea to take him to a vet. 1 year or elder bearded dragon should have calcium every 2 to 3 days and vitamin 2 times a week. In this case, a liquid may offer you more control over the calcium and Vitamin D3 intake. Most often, symptoms associated with weak and soft limbs indicate a low calcium and or/vitamin D3 in your bearded dragon’s body. Another reason why your bearded dragons could be eating their skin is that they may be deficient in calcium and they see eating their skin as a way of increase their calcium intake through the … Keep an eye out for any signs of illness. We know how much you love your Dragon and we want to make it easy to show how much you care. Feed him leafy greens like timothy hay and spring greens. Reptiles, including your bearded dragon, also require ultraviolet light to absorb calcium properly. Calcium deficiency is the main thing to manage with a bearded dragon’s diet, so it’s best to just leave these out entirely. Is this normal? 2 to 6 months bearded dragon needs calcium daily and vitamin every other day. Because taking care of them for the vast majority of my life wasn’t fulfilling enough, I decided to begin educating others about them through my articles. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'reptilejam_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',111,'0','0'])); The last reason that your bearded dragon may be upside down is that his basking area is too high and narrow. These include: Even with excellent supplementation, it’s still very important to provide calcium-rich foods for your bearded dragon. The ingredients you want to avoid are oxalates. What to Do if You Find Your Bearded Dragon Upside Down. This is essential. It’s easy to use, and all you really have to do is dust your dragon’s insects or other food with it. What calcium-rich foods are good for your bearded dragon? The symptoms will be back kinking, soft bones, lethargy, hanging jaw, seizures and shaking. This adult bearded dragon has a deviated, or crooked, tail-base as a remnant of fibrous osteodystrophy. Left untreated, MBD can end in death. Raisins. A healthy and balanced diet can make all the difference in keeping your beardie healthy. Beta carotene is a lot safer than Vitamin A because of the way your dragon’s body will absorb it. Sunny died of organ failure, the vets couldn't help him. Calcium deficiency is the main thing to manage with a bearded dragon’s diet, so it’s best to just leave these out entirely. New and longtime owners alike often wonder if they are providing enough calcium for their pets. Provide proper UV lighting for your bearded dragon. In addition to the three reasons discussed above, there are other reasons that your bearded dragon may be upside down. Page 3 of 3 Help them feel a little more like the predator they were born to be. Trouble getting my Dragon to... Hives When Holding Beardie Bearded … You probably won’t be a Dragon Keeper for very long without hearing how vital calcium is for bearded dragons' health and wellbeing. Metabolic bone disease, one of the most common bearded dragon diseases, is caused by a deficiency or imbalance of vitamin D3, calcium and phosphorus. ReptileJam.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. While it is extremely important to provide calcium in your dragon’s diet, it’s a lot more difficult than you may think to make sure they are getting enough calcium. Therefore, dusting your lizard’s food with a calcium supplement is an important aspect of their diet. This is worth noting because calcium (as well as vitamin D3) is one of the most important minerals these animals can receive. Talk to your vet and see if they have any other notes or recommendations for your beardie. Here are some of the most common ones to look out for: Typically, bearded dragons with MBD find themselves upside down after muscle twitches. Again: stick with things like cabbage, chard, and kale, and you’ll be on the right path. This disease is actually the most common disease for bearded dragons, making it a high possibility that your bearded dragon is upside down due to MBD. To dust your insects, place them in an airtight container with the calcium powder and shake them thoroughly. Luckily, all three of these causes are easy to fix. Signs of a healthy lizard: • clear, bright eyes; • thick base to its tail; • hips will not be sticking out; • bright colour after basking. Juveniles should be given supplements of calcium and vitamin D3 at least three to four meals per week, and adults should receive supplements at least once per week. Unfortunately, MBD is one of the most common diseases among domestic bearded dragons, but it’s so easily preventable with. Another reason that your bearded dragon may be upside down is because of metabolic bone disease or MBD, which is basically when the calcium deficiency poses long-term health consequences on your bearded dragon. 3 Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Is Upside Down. Choose a powder that has a reputation for sticking to insects. It should start to show and work within the bearded dragon in a month. Bearded dragons require both calcium and cholecalciferol for proper skeletal … In other words, your beardie cannot function properly without calcium. They also should be taking in enough D3 and Phosphorous in order to balance out their calcium intake and strengthen their muscles as well. However, you should still dust your dragon’s food around 3 times a week with calcium powder. That’s because it’s just not possible to recreate an exact replica of a dragon’s natural habitat, although you can come close. Basically buy a product called Zolcal D, it's basically liquid calcium you add to the water. If they are well looked after, with a good diet and proper environment, bearded dragons are reasonably hardy animals. If you find your bearded dragon in this position, immediately place him on his feet and treat the dragon accordingly. Why does calcium matter so … Lack of calcium in the diet, not gut-loading live feed and absence of UVB tube light in a tank will cause Metabolic bone disease. Once you place the bearded dragon back on his stomach, begin to find the cause. Calcium is nothing to your dragon without Vitamin D3. Metabolic bone disease (also known as nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism or fibrous osteodystrophy) refers to several painful skeletal disorders that are caused by a lack of calcium in the body. So it’s always best to check with a vet first before starting any supplementation. Because of that, it can be alarming if you find your bearded dragon bottom side up. Proper egg development & good reproductive health in females, Dragons’ bodies need calcium so much that if the body becomes deficient, it starts pulling calcium from their bones, causing, (MBD). Over the past four weeks or so, Ken has noticed a slight shaking in Zeus' front legs when the bearded dragon walks. So it can be hard to gauge exactly how much calcium your dragon is eating based on diet alone. They contain more protein and calcium than typical feeders. If the bearded dragon’s basking area is high and narrow and you found him directly beside that area, then you may simply need to change the basking area. Calcium deficiency causes a number of negative health concerns for bearded dragons, such as muscle twitches or metabolic bone disease. Combination supplements should be offered three times a week. Calcium deficiency can be a problem for reptiles, which can result in metabolic bone disease. Why do we dust calcium? Your bearded dragon might start twitching and shaking, and tremors are big signs or calcium deficiency. Just make sure to keep an eye on your beardie while offering treatment to make sure that he doesn’t fall on his back again and injure himself. This simple guideline is generally used for most of the bearded dragons. This binding prevents the body from absorbing the calcium that bearded dragons need to survive. This is because supplemental Vitamin A can quickly rise to toxic levels in bearded dragons, resulting in illness that includes vomiting, weight loss, and loss of energy. You may get lucky and have a dragon who eats everything you give him and finishes every meal, but it’s unlikely. Calcium deficiency causes a number of negative health concerns for bearded dragons, such as muscle twitches or metabolic bone disease. Shop Now, DUE TO USPS COVID-19 DELAYS , ORDERS MAY TAKE 2-7 Business Days to be Delivered. As there is a calcium deficiency, to keep the average blood calcium level, beardies will resorb calcium from bones, making their bones may weaken or suffer from skeletal malformation in young bearded dragons. Vitamin D3 is important to help your bearded dragon absorb calcium. Put shady areas in his enclosure that are 78 degrees Fahrenheit at the most. Additionally, consider feeding your bearded dragon crickets. The shaking seems prevalent when Zeus moves toward his food bowl. For a bearded dragon, eating too much banana can be very dangerous for them. Similarly, too narrow of a basking area makes it difficult for the bearded dragon to move without falling off, thus increasing the chances of him falling off the ledge. His back legs are paralyzed i came home this morning to find him this way. In this case, you would want to supplement about three times a week to ensure your dragon is getting enough of both supplements. Of course, you can also mix it with water, but there is no guarantee your dragon will consume it all. Bearded dragons are susceptible to many different diseases. One of the most common reasons that your bearded dragon is upside down is calcium deficiency. Many experienced Dragon Keepers will recommend providing your beardie with a multivitamin in addition to calcium and Vitamin D3 supplements. New and longtime owners alike often wonder if they are providing enough calcium for their pets. Normally, this ratio should be around two parts calcium and one part phosphorus (2:1). When taking your bearded dragon to see a veterinarian, make sure that you are taking him to an exotic animal vet. Another issue Dragon Keepers wonder about is exactly how often they need to provide supplements with calcium and Vitamin D3. In this case, a liquid may offer you more control over the calcium and Vitamin D3 intake. Scientifically, the reason MBD is so detrimental to a bearded dragon’s health is because it results in the bearded dragon’s body pulling calcium out of the bones, leaving them brittle and prone to fractures. However, these reasons are much less common, and should only be considered once the other three reasons have been ruled out. Since MBD is painful and dangerous for your beardie, you will want to make sure that he is getting the best care. For young bearded dragons calcium loaded diet will prevent them from suffering from metabolic bone disease. That’s because it’s just not possible to recreate an exact replica of a dragon’s natural habitat, although you can come close. Pet Care of a Bearded Dragon Signs of calcium deficiency: • muscle twitching; • swollen legs; • fragile bones; • deformed limbs, spine, jaw. … The bearded dragon is a well-known lizard currently considered one of the best pet lizards. As a rule of thumb, a Vitamin D3 supplement can be safely provided about two to three times a week. Hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the body) is rare in bearded dragons, but it can happen, and it can result in illness and death. Common healthconditions of pet bearded dragons include metabolic bone disease,infectious stomatitis (mouth rot), parasites, respiratory infections, andadenovirus … Change the bulb in your dragon’s tank every six months or so, no later than every year. If your bearded dragon is deficient in calcium, any of the following could be the culprit: Insufficient calcium in the diet. Since bearded dragons should be getting 12 hours of UVB exposure a day, they don’t necessarily need this supplement on a daily basis. Bearded dragons require both calcium and cholecalciferol for proper skeletal growth, optimum health. Since in the wild they are able to effectively convert UVB radiation to into vitamin D3, they are able to … In addition to the three reasons discussed above, there are other reasons that your bearded dragon may be upside down. Of course, the exception would be a dragon who has metabolic bone disease or another condition which would require a more intense supplement regimen. In the simplest of terms, metabolic bone disease results from improper calcium to phosphorus ratio in the body. Calcium is important to every creature, but bearded dragons especially need to keep their bones sturdy. Avoid supplements containing Vitamin A; opt for beta carotene instead. Occasionally, twitching of toes and limbs is noted prior to handling. If you have questions or would like to give feedback, please email us at [email protected]. Bearded dragon vitamin D deficiency symptoms. Also, try sprinkling calcium powder on your beardie’s favorite snacks, such as crickets. What calcium-rich foods are good for your bearded dragon? Since bearded dragons should be getting 12 hours of UVB exposure a day, they don’t necessarily need this supplement on a daily basis. If your Bearded Dragon has a calcium deficiency or is possibly in the early stages of metabolic bone disease then you have no option to take them to your vet. You may notice some products on the market that contain both calcium and Vitamin D3. Here are two other possible reasons, albeit less likely, that your bearded dragon is on his back: http://www.animalplanet.com/pets/other-pets/bearded-dragon-stats-facts/, https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Anatomy-of-the-digestive-tract-of-a-bearded-dragon-illustrated-by-a-photograph-of-the_fig5_260306715, https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/bearded-dragons-owning, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/N9CkM0GVW83bWlFMQcjlnD/how-to-prevent-metabolic-bone-disease-in-bearded-dragons#:~:text=Caused%20by%20low%20levels%20of,%2C%20jaw%2C%20spine%20or%20tail, https://www.beardeddragon.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=144583, https://www.reddit.com/r/BeardedDragons/comments/czggq9/bearded_dragon_keeps_flipping_upside_down/. Medical advice experienced dragon Keepers will recommend providing your beardie with a first. Also lead to MBD and reluctant to move prevalent when Zeus moves toward food! Dragon should have calcium every 2 to 3 days and Vitamin D3 ) is one of the best lizards! 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